Tuesday, September 9, 2008

living a progternative lifestyle

after seeing the new ADBUSTER issue,

i was reminded every personally enjoyable sidedish that life has to offer, has been hopelessly blended into all the others. someone scooped the green beans onto my mashed potatoes, and down the way someone poured the yams onto the turkey...with gravy.

there are no more niches. just little bumps of fun, thanks to the internet, some overweight middle aged mom is about to find out about right after you.
a prime progternative example:
sitting behind me outside of starbucks are these guys

their progternative conversation goes like this:

spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish
spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish
spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish
spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish
spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish
spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish
spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish
*thick spanish accent*
"don't taze me bro!!"

laughter ensues....

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